MAURI AMBROGIO E C. SNC | 8, Via Per Cucciago -
22063 Cantù (CO) - Italia | Vat Reg. No. 01979660139
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Sometimes it is difficult to part with certain pieces of furniture that have accompanied us for years, if not for a lifetime. Often it is family furniture, perhaps even taking us back to our childhood or particularly meaningful moments. We really like to provide the makeover service to our customers, and it is for us a great satisfaction to see the joy in a customer's eyes when he sees his sofa or armchair again, after we have worked on it to bring it back to its original splendor.
Refurbishing can also mean innovating a piece of furniture by making it more current: in fact, we have often given new life to a sofa with an upholstery that would give it more glamour and thus refresh its line as well.